How To Shape Your Body

How To Shape Your Body, Female Body Shape,  Body Shape, Best Body Shape, Best Female Body Shape, Perfect Body Shape


Women come in all different shapes and sizes, posing a dilemma for the apparel industry, whose products face fit problems with consumers. Now you can learn what body shape you have and use the information not only to buy flattering clothes but also to develop an exercise plan and take better care of your overall health.


The Hourglass: Probably the most popular body type, also known as 36-24-36. Skinny waist, big boobs and booty. When people talk about the typical archetype of beauty, this is usually the image.

The Beanpole: The tall and slender woman, this type is best embodied in the models with legs that go on forever. Ironically, short guys are usually the ones that are so attracted to this type. I guess opposites attract after all.

The Pear: The girl who’s normally proportioned on top, but with a booty worthy of a Beyonce song.

The Inverted Triangle: The opposite of The Pear. Instead of a normal top and big bottom, this girl has Scarlett Johansson’s chest and a regular derriere.

The Cushion: Ever hear someone describe a girl as having “some meat on her bones”? That’s The Cushion. Not fat, but not a twig, either.

None of these body types are superior to the others. Each has its own beauty and appeal. It’s just a matter of preference. Speaking of which…
Another way to calculate body types is as mesomorphs, ectomorphs or endomorphs.


Mesomorphs are usually rectangular shaped and muscular. The chest and shoulders are developed and measure more than the waist. Hips and shoulders have the same measurement and lower back and abdomen is toned.


Ectomorphs have a thin build with a small frame, narrow hips and long limbs. Among the three body types, ectomorphs have the least muscle and fat mass .Ectomorphs have e problem gaining weight.


Endomorphs have medium frames with a curvy body. Women endomorphs tend to store fat in the lower body receptacles- namely the hips and buttocks, whereas men store it in the abdomen.


Endomorphs need aerobic and cardiovascular work outs to get rid of the excess fat around the waist as every inch gained puts them at additional risk of heart disease. Ectomorphs need to eat well and take up exercise which will build us their endurance level and stamina. Mesomorphs need to eat a balanced diet and take up an exercise regimen which builds their flexibility.


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